Our laboratory is interested in understanding how neurotransmission is regulated with the ultimate goal of identifying and validating novel therapeutic targets with which to treat psychiatric disorders. We utilize electrophysiology, fiber photometry, and behavioral pharmacology techniques to study rodent brain circuits that are homologous to those dysregulated in mental health disorders like schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. We also use pharmacological tools and genetically modified mice to determine how modulation of specific G-protein coupled receptors can regulate these circuits.

Come Join Us!

We are looking for new graduate students and post-docs that are passionate about pharmacology and neuroscience.

Email: Daniel.Foster@uscmed.sc.edu

Lab News:

  • Congrats to Becca Carden and Maddy Lucas for receiving a Galen Magellan Grant for Fall of 2023!!!

  • Congrats to Dillon Burr and Pranav Malladi for receiving Magellan Grants for Spring of 2023!

  • We are happy to welcome new undergraduates, Misha and Kellan, starting Spring of 2025!